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Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

1.    Colonnetta MM, Goyal Y, Johnson HE, Syal S, Schedl P, and Deshpande G.  Preformation and epigenesis converge to specify primordial germ cell fate in the early Drosophila embryo., Ploss Genetics, 18(1): e1010002 (2022)

2.    Johnson HE, Djabrayan, NJV, Shvartsman SY, and Toettcher JE.  Optogenetic rescue of a patterning mutant., Current Biology, 30, 1-11 (2020) PDF

3.    Johnson HE and Toettcher JE.  Signaling dynamics control cell fate in the early Drosophila embryo. Developmental Cell, 48 (3), 361-370. (2019). PDF

4.    Asokan, SB, Johnson HE, Sondek JD, Shutova MS, Svitkina TM, Haugh JM, Bear JE.  Lysophosphatidic acid provokes fibroblast chemotaxis through combinatorial regulation of myosin II. BioRxiv  (in revision)

5.    Winer BY, Shirvani-Dastgerdi E, Bram Y, Sellau J, Low BE, Johnson HE , Huang T, Hrebikova G, Heller B, Sharon Y, Giersch K , Gerges S, Pais MA, Frankel AS , Chiriboga L, Cullen J, Lutgehetmann M, Toettcher J , Wiles MV , Schwartz RE , Ploss A. Preclinical assessment of antiviral combination therapy in a genetically humanized mouse model for persistent hepatitis delta virus infection. Science Trans. Med. 10 (447) (2018)

6     Johnson HE, Goyal Y, Pannucci N, Schüpbach T, Shvartsman SY, and Toettcher JE. The spatiotemporal

limits of developmental Erk signaling. Developmental Cell, 40 (2), 185-192. (2017) 

[Journal Cover; Best of 2017] PDF

7.    Johnson HE, and Haugh JM.  Are filopodia privileged signaling structures in migrating cells? Biophysical

Journal, 111 (9), 1827-1830. (2016). PDF

8.    King SJ, Asokan SB, Haynes EM, Zimmerman SP, Rotty JD, Alb. Jr. JG, Tagliatela A, Blake D, Lebedeva IP,

Marston D, Johnson HE, Parsons M, Sharpless NE, Kuhlman B, Haugh JM, and Bear JE. Lamellipodia are

critical for haptotactic sensing and response. Journal of Cell Science, 129(12):2329-42. (2016)

9.    Haynes EM , Asokan SB, King SJ, Johnson HE, Haugh JM, and Bear JE.  GMFβ controls branched actin

content and lamellipodial retraction in fibroblasts. Journal of Cell Biology, 209, 803–812 (2015).

10.  Johnson HE, King SJ, Asokan SB, Rotty JD, Bear JE, and Haugh JM. F-actin bundles direct the initiation and orientation of lamellipodia through adhesion-based signaling. Journal of Cell Biology, 208, 443–455. (2015). PDF

11.  Rotty JD, Wu C, Haynes EM, Winkelman JD, Suarez C, Johnson HE, Haugh JM, Kovar DR, and Bear JE.  Arp2/3-dependent and independent actin assembly pathways are compartmentalized by profilin. Developmental Cell, 32, 54–67 (2015).

12.  Asokan, SB, Johnson HE, Rahman, A, King, SJ, Rotty, JD, Lebedeva, IP, Haugh, JM, and Bear, JE. Mesenchymal Chemotaxis Requires Selective Inactivation of Myosin II at the Leading Edge via a Noncanonical PLCγ/PKCα Pathway. Developmental Cell, 31, 747–760 (2014). PDF

13.  Welf ES, Johnson HE, and Haugh JM.  Bidirectional coupling between integrin-mediated signaling and actomyosin mechanics explains matrix-dependent intermittency of leading-edge motility. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 24:3945–55 (2013).

14.  Welf ES, Ahmed S, Johnson HE, Melvin AT, Haugh JM. Migrating fibroblasts reorient directionality by a metastable, PI3K-dependent mechanism. Journal of Cell Biology, 197(1):105-14 (2012).


Review Articles, Methods Articles and Book Chapters

1.   Johnson HE Application of optogenetics to probe the signaling dynamics of cell fate decision making. (in review)

2.   Johnson HE, and Toettcher JE.  Illuminating developmental biology with cellular optogenetics. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 52:42–48 (2018). PDF

3.   Johnson HE and Toettcher JE. The Duty of an Intracellular Signal: Illuminating Calcium’s Role in Transcriptional Control. Cell Systems, 2(4):223-224. (2016)

4.   Johnson HE and Haugh JM.  Quantitative Analysis of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K) Signaling Using Live-Cell Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy. Current Protocols in Cell Biology, 61:14.14.1-14.14.24 (2013).

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